FusionCharts vs. amCharts

January 20, 2022

FusionCharts vs. amCharts

Data visualization is a key factor in representing data in an attractive and comprehensive way, making it understandable to the user. Two of the most popular data visualization libraries in the market are FusionCharts and amCharts. In this post, we will take a closer look at both libraries, compare them and provide you with some insights to help you choose the right one for your project.


FusionCharts offers a wide variety of charts, graphs, and maps that can be customized in multiple ways. It provides support for JavaScript, jQuery, React, and Angular, and offers over 90 different chart types. FusionCharts offers both free and paid versions.

On the other hand, amCharts is an open-source library that offers a smaller range of charts compared to FusionCharts, specifically around 50 types. It offers customization, and it is compatible with React, Angular, and Vue.js. amCharts is free to use, but for a more support and extended feature set, a paid variant is also available.


When it comes to performance and speed, both libraries have their own strengths. FusionCharts uses server-side rendering technology, which means that the charts are generated on the server-side and sent to the client-side. This can be slower when it comes to real-time dashboards and interactive visualizations, but can also provide better performance when producing a large number of charts at the same time.

On the other side, amCharts uses client-side rendering technology, which means that the charts are generated on the client-side. This results in faster loading times and improved interactivity. However, this can also lead to lower performance when it comes to large datasets or many charts.


Customization is an essential part of data visualization, and both libraries offer a wide range of customization options. FusionCharts provides an extensive set of APIs that allow developers to customize the appearance of their charts entirely. Additionally, it offers an easy-to-use user interface to configure the charts without any coding required.

amCharts also provides a variety of customization tools, including the ability to tweak the chart properties directly within the code. However, it might be less intuitive for users who are not familiar with coding.


When it comes to support and community, both libraries are quite active in maintaining and releasing new versions. FusionCharts has a dedicated support team that can be contacted via email or support tickets. Additionally, it provides extensive documentation and multiple resources, including forums and video tutorials.

amCharts has an active community that provides support through GitHub and StackOverflow. The amCharts team provides documentation and regular updates.


In conclusion, both libraries have their strengths and weaknesses, and it all comes down to what you want to achieve with your project. FusionCharts, while having a steeper learning curve than amCharts, offers a wider range of charts and more extensive customization tools. amCharts, on the other hand, is free, open-source, and provides faster chart rendering times.

So, what is our recommendation? At the end of the day, it all depends on your specific use case, and both libraries are great, depending on what you want to achieve.


  1. FusionCharts vs. amCharts, DZone
  2. FusionCharts
  3. amCharts

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